Institute of Professional Goldsmiths


IPG Social Member Criteria

Our Social Member category is for those who have an interest in the IPG and its activities but don’t necessarily work in the jewellery trade. Potential applicants for social membership must be proposed by two Fellows or Associate Fellows. Once accepted you will receive the IPG magazine Drillstock and have access to our WhatsApp Social group chat. Social Members may not use the IPG logo or punch marks. You may also be given priority invitation to attend IPG social events and activities for which there may be an additional fee depending on the event. The current Social Membership subscription is £60 per annum.

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IPG Member Criteria

Our Member category is for those in the early stages of their craft and are seen as potential Associate Fellows. You must explain fully any training you have had and with whom, and tell us in as much detail as possible about your experience in the trade so far. If you do have a relevant qualification, you will need to provide proof, which may mean an interview is not required. Once accepted you will receive a certificate, a membership card which entitles you to discounts at various trade suppliers, and you will also receive the IPG magazine Drillstock. You will be given priority invitations to attend IPG events, social activities and master classes for which there may be an additional fee depending on the event. You will be invited to join our social and technical WhatsApp group chats. Members’ may not use the IPG logo or punch marks. The current Membership subscription is £60 per annum.

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IPG Associate Fellow Member Criteria

Applicants for Associate Fellowship are seen as potential Fellows of the Institute. Criteria are as per Member plus an additional 4 years continuous employment in the trade subject to reaching the required standard. You will usually be required to attend an interview where your work can be examined. In addition to the Member benefits above you will be entitled to attend all IPG functions. You will also be listed on the IPG website with your own profile page with contact details if desired. The current Associate Fellow subscription is £95 per annum.

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IPG Fellow Member Criteria

Applicants for Fellowship (the highest level of Membership) must have experience consisting of the above Associate Fellow criteria plus an additional 2 years' full-time employment within the trade subject to reaching the required standard. Applicants will usually be required to attend an interview where their work can be examined. In addition to the benefits stated for Associate Fellows, Fellowship permits at once the right to use the distinctive letters FIPG after your name, use the IPG logo and punch mark on your work and also to be included on the IPG website with your own commercial information page. The current Fellowship subscription is £110 per annum.

Apply Here

If you are interested in joining the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths as either a Fellow, Associate Fellow or Member please call 020 3004 9806 or e-mail for further information.


Your application very is important to us, we will process each one in date order. Applicants requiring an interview will take a little longer than those who don’t. Please bear with us while we make arrangements for your interview.


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